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, , , , 978-81-960632-8-3 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION , , ,

Meet The Author

Nursing Management and Leadership is a practice discipline that values and expects students to execute a wide range of practice in their daily lives. a student must learn a diverse set of abilities in order to become a qualified nurse manager & leader. Leadership is a key requirement for a nurse management. it is an interaction or communication process between the leader and other employees. this aids them in achieving shared office objectives. only when the entire team succeeds can nursing leadership and management be deemed successful. The primary goal of this book is to support students knowledge and skill performance of the following, health care and development of nnursing services in india, management basics appliedto nursing, planning nursing services, organizing, staffing (human resource management), in-service education, directing and leading, controlling, organizational behavior and human relations, establishment of nursing educational institutions, budget planning, legal aspects in nursing, professional aadvancement. I hope that this book will aid in the development of your knowledge and skills, allowing students to become a skilled nurse manager & leader. The book is easy to read and delivers information in a logical order. the contents, it is believed, should be crystal clear. a comment or suggestion from you could be another feather in the subject matter of the book’s cap. the author welcomes reader feedback in the form of comments, ideas, and criticism. users’ constructive recommendations and opinions would be much valued, gladly recognized, and appropriately integrated.





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