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978-1-956102-29-1 PAPERBACK FIRST ,

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The Kavyavilāsa of Cirañjīva Bhaṭṭacārya is an important work in the history of Sanskrit Poetics. It is a contribution from Bengal and a representative of post-Jagannātha Sanskrit Poetics. It is one of the minor treatises mentioned by Dr. S.K. Dey in his ‘History of Sanskrit Poetics’ (263-320). It is an undeniable fact that researches and reappraisals of major Alaṁkāra-works of Bhamaha, Daṇḍin, Vāmana, Ānandavardhana, Mammaṭa, Viśvanatha and Jagannātha etc. have been made in a good number by stalwart critics, but the minor Alaṃkāra-works like the Kāvyavilāsa of Cirañjīva, the Alaṁkārasaṁgraha of Amṛtānandayogin, the Kāvyakaustubha of Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa etc. have not yet been dealt with critically by scholars. The Kāvyavilāsa of Cirañjīva also has remained behind the proper attention of the scholars, though a considerable number of manuscript of this work was there in different places of India.

Credit gose to Baṭuk Natha Śarmā Sāhityopādhyāya, M.A. and Jagannātha Śāstrī Hoshing Sāhityopādhyāya who brought out an edition of this work from Benares in 1925 A.D. The edition mainly serves our basis of research.

We believe in the fact that it is very difficult to find out a new topic of research in the field of Alaṁkāra-śāstra. Jayantabhaṭṭa in his Nyāyamañjarī has aptly said-

kuto vā nūtanaṁ vastu vayam utprekṣituṁ kṣamā/ vacovinyāsavyaicitramātramatra vicāryatām//

When I was in search of a topic of research my venerable guide suggested me to carry research on this work on which a critical and comparative study is awaiting. I made up my mind to take this project whole heartedly.

For a critical and comparative study of Cirañjīva’s work, I have designed seven chapters. In the first chapter we have pointed out the importance of our study. In the second chapter we have discussed the personal accounts of the author, his date and works etc. In the third chapter we have dealt with Cirañjīva’s views on poetry (kāvya) and aesthetic pleasure (rasa). In the two subsequent chapters we have presented critical study of the arthālaṁkāras and the śabdālaṁkāras. In the sixth chapter we have properly evaluated the merits of this work and in the seventh chapter we have reached to our conclusion.

Lastly I humbly mention that our attempt is the first one to explore the work. For the first time we have given rendering in English of the illustrative verses of different alaṃkāras. We have highlighted the merits of the work. We hope that connoisseurs will be pleased to appreciate our attempt which may inspire us and others to carry research on the untouched minor Alaṁkāra-works in future. However we came to an ending with the words that the merits of a work may be judged only by the satisfaction of the critics.



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