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, 978-1-956102-86-4 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

The rich contrast of culture and varied topography, crowned with a tremendous variety in the weather, is more than what a stranger can handle in this land. Tourists coming to India are fascinated by what they see here. When he lands in a modern airport and enters the streets with honking horns and crowded streets with beggars on the streets and even cows sharing this space, the contrast is mesmerizing. And it is exactly this contrast that they are looking for. The colourful culture and spirited helpful people, the land, the mountains and rivers, the religious sites and the millennial yoga tradition continue to attract India. Adventure tourism is an outdoor leisure activity that usually takes place in an exotic, exotic, remote or forest setting, sometimes with some extraordinary means of transport and associated with low or high levels of physical activity

It is widely accepted that as the contribution of service sector increased in the total GDP reflects the good economic indicator in the direction of development. In Indian economy the service sector is growing and found increased proportion in GDP. The Growth of service sector depends on the various sub-sectors. In the current scenario Tourism sector is observed for high potential of growth. The development and growth of this sector will be a major player to boost the Indian economy. After a good initiative taken by the government, mostly tourist’s spots are performing well. Though the Indian Himalayan Range has a lot of potential of growth it is not among the top performer tourist spot in India. So to identify the potential of growth for the tourism in Indian Himalayan Range, this book will prove a good initiative and will provide a good input for the decision makers. In this book the study showcases on multi-level findings and covering various aspects such as, it is representing the current status of adventure tourists, adventure tour operators and the local people staying in the surroundings of Adventure Tourism destinations in Himachal Pradesh, it showcases the trends of Adventure Tourism in Indian Himalayan Range by knowing the expectations and experiences of adventure tourists and types of tourists visiting in different areas of Himachal Pradesh. It is also reflecting the growth of tourism in India in last ten years, the role of Adventure tourism to increase the job opportunities to local people of a tourist place. The findings will also be helpful for the mass as it has enlightened the scope of Adventure Tourism in India and trying to suggest the strategies for the growth of Adventure Tourism in Indian Himalayan Range. This book will try to focus on the measures that can be helpful for the respective authorities, government agencies for the further up gradation in adventure tourism or other tourism related aspects.


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