
Original price was: ₹290.00.Current price is: ₹232.00.


, 978-93-5747-768-0 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

In the profound exploration that unfolds within the pages of “The Invisible Manual Scavengers of India,” we embark on a journey that transcends the mundane and confronts the shadows veiling lives tethered to the unforgiving task of manual scavenging. This book is an earnest endeavour to give voice to the silenced, to those whose narratives are woven into the fabric of societal neglect, whose stories unfold in the quiet corners where the broom is not just a tool but a symbol of resilience.

As we navigate the labyrinth of the legal landscape, we peel back the layers of complexity surrounding manual scavenging in India. Beyond the courtrooms, where battles are fought not only by lawyers but by the very individuals demanding justice and liberation, we seek to understand the tangible impact of existing laws and the gaps that perpetuate injustice.

The scrutiny extends to the policies that, on paper, aim to address the plight of manual scavengers. We examine their efficacy and shortcomings, illuminating the stark realities faced by those on the frontline. However, in the midst of despair, there emerges a glimmer of change—a testament to the indomitable spirit of individuals and the collective power of communities. Success stories unfold as alternative livelihoods and education become beacons of hope.

In our exploration, we introduce you to the unsung heroes—the activists, advocates, and champions—who tirelessly work towards justice. Their stories and insights become guiding lights as we draw inspiration not only from within our borders but also from international endeavors, comparing our journey with those of nations tackling similar challenges.

Yet, this journey is not without its complexities. We unmask the unseen dimensions of caste dynamics, social prejudices, and systemic flaws that sustain the practice of manual scavenging. Here, we challenge ourselves to see beyond the broom, into a world begging for acknowledgment and redressal.

Towards dignity, the path is paved with proposals for comprehensive legal reforms. Envisioning a society where the invisible are not only seen but live with the respect they deserve becomes a collective aspiration. This book is more than a collection of words on paper; it is a call to arms. We invite you to be more than a reader—to be an informed advocate for change. Engage, support, contribute, and together, let’s script a future where the invisible are seen, and their voices resonate beyond the confines of neglect.


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