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978-1-68576-106-6 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Under the umbrella of Maternal and child health the safe motherhood services are rendered to the women in the reproductive age group all over the world. Each stage of motherhood has enormous impact on mother and child. Its impact remains throughout the life. If the phase of motherhood has met with the adequate needs and related services, the outcome of the phase is positive has a bearing with the life of entire family.

The adverse condition has huge impact on the consequence during pre and post pregnancy and up to the age of five years in a child. The international and national initiatives, programmes has made a huge contribution towards this issues and interventions of maternal and child health. The India is a signatory the various international conventions related to the empowerment of women, so the national policies related to the maternal and child health has been shaped and developed on the international guidelines of international organisations.

This research study is based on the premise that the services provided  for women in the period of motherhood has reached to the targeted population and the factors influencing the services are known and managed appropriately by the accountable state or private organisations. The research study was conducted in the year 2012-13 in the urban community with the lactating women. The study has brought forth the understanding and fact about the safe motherhood and challenges in the urban areas where access to resources and services are assumed and anticipated.

The study throws the light on various components of safe motherhood as an outcome of the research study and the author has put forth the subject with non-judgementally to its readers. The readers will be to understand the facts also will see some of the challenges in the services and practices, later these were addressed with some constructive strategies, during and post-COVID-19 situation these factors can be relooked with different perspective.

This book will be a resource to the various stakeholders, who works in the field of maternal and child health, especially the non-government and government service providers. With, better services we can show the world that reproductive rights of women are protected in our society.


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