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978-1-954461-89-5 PAPERBACK FIRST ,

Meet The Author

It is of great honour to me that my Doctoral Thesis, submitted to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu State, India, “Effectiveness of Edutainment on Selected Dimensions of Overall Development of Higher Secondary Students of Chhattisgarh” is getting published as a book. This book is the result of my experiences during the teaching career in various educational institutions of Bastar Division in Chhattisgarh State in India. Many of the issues I faced could be solved in and through the edutainment modules which are modeled according to the Constructivist Paradigm in the teaching and learning process. Edutainment programmes and activities are inevitable in the modern education system in order to cope up with the revolution of Information and Communication Technology among the adolescent students of Chhattisgarh.

This book entitled, “Edutainment : The Shifting Dynamics of Higher Secondary Education” becomes a reality by the Grace of God Almighty and with kind support and help of many individuals.

Foremost I praise God Almighty for the wisdom He bestowed, for the strength and peace of mind He showered upon me, and for the good health He provided me in order to bring out my dream and endeavours to successful completion.

I am thankful to Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Director of Research and Development Centre, Research Coordinator, Head of the Department of Education, Librarian, Bharathiar University for their assistance and encouragement for the fruitful completion of the research.

I express sincere gratitude to my research supervisor, Dr. Rages John, Professor, Government College of Teacher Education, Kozhikode, Kerala, India for his valuable guidance, constant supports, and corrections in the thesis and in the book.

I wholeheartedly thank Dr. Shailendra Kumar Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Bastar University, Jagdalpur, Bastar District, Chhattisgarh State, India for his valuable and encouraging words in the form of ‘Foreword’, which gives a thorough introduction of the book to the readers.

I express my appreciation to all the District Education Officers and Principals of Higher Secondary Schools in the selected 10 Districts of Chhattisgarh who gave me the necessary permission and guidance to do the experimental research task among the students of Class XI. I am also grateful to the teachers and students who cooperated with me during the data collection. I remember with gratitude the parents who responded during the Follow-up programmes.

I owe much to my Congregation of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, especially Rev. Fr. Thomas Vadakumkara, CMI, Provincial, Nirmal Province, Jagdalpur and all the members of Nirmal Province for their valuable prayers and supports which always gave me great desire and deep enthusiasm to complete my research work on time and also to get this book published.

I acknowledge my gratitude to Dr. Fr. Tomy Mathew, CMI, Principal and all the Professors of Christ College, Jagdalpur, Bastar District, Chhattisgarh State, India for providing me the necessary help and facilities for the completion of the thesis and publication of the book.

I gratefully remember my beloved sisters, my family members, and loving relatives for their continuous prayers and constant supports throughout my life, especially during my research work, completion of the thesis, and publication of the book.

I express my gratitude to Mr. Basil Prakash Pereira, Lecturer (Computer Science) Nirmal Vidyalaya Higher Secondary School, Jagdalpur, Bastar District, Chhattisgarh, India for the technical assistance and valuable suggestions.

I extend my sincere appreciation to Institute of Scholars (InSc) Publishing House, Bangalore, Karnataka State, India for bringing out this book in the most appropriate form and effective style of presentation within a limited span of time.

I offer my humble prayers to God Almighty for all the persons whose names are mentioned and for those whose names do not appear here in spite of their various contributions for the publication of the book.

I do remember with gratitude the departed souls of my beloved parents, Annu and Kunjuvareed Payyappilly, and my brother, Davis Payyappilly, whose blessings and inspirations guide each and every step I make in my life. They are always my inspiration to try for the better and the best in my life. May their souls Rest in Peace! I do pray.

With hope and trust in the readers, I submit this book to you all.


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