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, , 978-1-956102-81-9 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION , ,

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This book is designed to help pre service and in-service teachers learn about some of the educational implications of current uses of Artificial Intelligence as an aid to solving problems and accomplishing tasks. Humans and their predecessors have developed a wide range of tools to help solve the types of problems that they face. Such tools embody some of the knowledge and skills of those who discover, invent, design, and build the tools. Because of this, in some sense, a tool user gains in knowledge and skill by learning to make use of tools. Machine Learning (ML) is a subsidiary branch of the field of computer and information science. It focuses on developing hardware and software systems that solve problems and accomplishes tasks that, if accomplished by humans, would be considered a display of intelligence. The field of AI includes studying and developing machines such as robots, automatic pilots for aeroplanes and space ships, and military weapons. Europeans tend to use the term machine intelligence (MI) instead of the term AI.The theory and practice of AI are leading to the development of a wide range of artificially intelligent tools. These tools, sometimes working under the guidance of a human and sometimes without external guidance, are able to solve or help solve a steadily increasing range of problems. Over the past 50 years, AI has produced a number of results that are important to students, teachers, our overall educational system, and our society.This short book provides an overview of AI from K-12 education and teacher education points of view. It is designed specifically for preservice and in-service teachers, and school administrators. However, educational aides, parents, school site council members, school board members, and others interested in education will find this booklet useful.This book is designed for self-study, for use in workshops, for use in a short course, and for use as a unit of study in a longer course on ICT in education. It contains a number of ideas for immediate application of the content, and it contains a number of activities for use in workshops and courses.


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