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, , 978-1-68576-281-0 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

In the present era, supply chain management describes the rapid development that has shaped modern logistics. The concepts demonstrate new models of supply chain management including dynamics of the relationship, STEEPLE analysis, legal issues of commercial contracts and agreements, the practice of contract management, purchasing decisions, and sourcing, inventory management concepts, and transportation.Today’s organizations recognize that they do not work in isolation, but form part of a supply chain to satisfy consumers and operational demands. This accessible introduction explains logistics within its strategic context.We sincerely hope that our first edition of International Logistics and Supply Chain Management will meet the expectation of the student community.  The language of the book is simple and the coverage of various units is exhaustive with examples. We have made serious attempts to provide the students with a deep understanding of logistics and supply chain concepts with real-time business and corporate examples.It is hoped that this book will have an enhanced utility to the students and researchers. Feedback and suggestions for improvement of this book from the readers and the authorities in the various subjects will be gratefully acknowledged.At first, we express our gratitude to our Gurus and almighty who have blessed us with the knowledge required for writing this book.We also thank Rev. Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore for his support and motivation.We would also like to express our gratitude to our academic colleagues, mentors, and parents especially Mr. Deep Narain Singh, Mrs. Shobha Singh, Mr. S. B. Singh & Mr. Manish Kumar Singh for their encouragement, guidance, and support.In writing a textbook of this kind, one incurs a mounting indebtedness to several writers on the subject. It is, therefore, very difficult for us to state how greatly we are indebted to each of them. We acknowledge our debt to these authors and their publishers whose work we have referred to with mention or without mention in the course of writing this book.


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