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, , , , 978-93-92591-20-4 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

In the day-to-day world, our lives are influenced beyond measure by electronics and communication applications. In this scenario, the undergraduate engineer is expected to be familiar with the basics of Electrical and Electronics. This book, the Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, is intended as a core text for undergraduate level. The purpose of the book is to provide a foundation for analyzing and designing both electrical and electronic circuits. It is partiti oned into two parts: Part A- Deals with the various concepts in Electrical Engineering, Part B- Deals with the various concepts in Electronics Engineering. The material is covered in sufficient detail such that the reader may gain a good understanding of the fundamental principles on which modern electrical and electronics engineering is based.

The Electrical circuits part of this book includes the basic definitions of network elements, types of network elements, various energy sources, passive elements, network laws, analysis of series and parallel circuits, the required network transformation techniques and networks theorems. The Machines part of this book covers the fundamental principle of electromagnetism, operational concepts of DC, AC machines, types of DC, AC machines, speed control techniques, losses incurred in machines, testing and applications of the machines. The Part A of the book also includes another important element required in the design of an electrical circuit i.e., a Transformer. It includes Construction & operation of transformer, efficiency, testing and applications of the transformers.

The electronics portion of this book deals with both theory and applications of the major semiconductor devices: Various diodes and transistors bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), FFT and Operational Amplifiers. The Electronics part includes the coverage of the application of the entire above said semiconductor devices.

The first edition of the book contains important formulae to solve circuit problems and objective questions on all basic concepts of circuits and electronic devices. This book is designed to emphasize several topics that are essential to the practices of electrical engineering and electronics and communication engineering courses.

I would like to thank the reviewers of the manuscript who made many helpful and important comments and suggestions.



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