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978-1-68576-266-7 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

Grammar of the English Language should not be studied in isolation. Itshould be linked up with different tasks that we perform in our day-to-daylife. Acquiring mastery over phrasal verbs, prepositions, conjunctions andsimple, compound and complex sentences would enable us to reach a highlevel of competence in the use of the English language in the most effective way. In order to acquire competence over the English language, we should have sufficient command over vocabulary and grammar. Any language can be mastered only by developing our vocabulary and grammar skills. If we are acquainted with more words and the basic principles of grammar we can use the language efficiently and effectively. Hence it is necessary to develop and acquire the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, in order to communicate our ideas,emotions or thoughts either verbally or in the written form. In today’s Modern world every student is aware of the importance of the English language. It is rightly said to be the Passport to the World. The English language has acquired a definite place in the world. The importance of the English Language has being growing rapidly. English has now been recognised as the global language. English is used for international communication and correspondence. Considering the above facts and the difficulties the students face, this book has been written in a very simple and comprehensive manner. This book has been written keeping in mind the semi rural and rural area students. It has been restricted only to Grammar. There is a step by step explanation given in simple language. There are sufficient examples given and also there are both solved and unsolved exercises supplemented. I hope this book enables students to get rid of the mental block about the Grammar of the English Language and make the best of this book and try to master the language.



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