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978-1-954461-35-2 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Language is an invaluable medium of human communication with a very complex and very flexible structure. Teaching of English as a Second Language is an emerging area of knowledge. ESL teaching is an important aspect of curriculum in general institutions, technical institutions and institutions of Education. A general outline of various aspects of language, aspects of language learning and various methods of language teaching can be of great help for both the teachers and the students of English language.

This book is an attempt to give a very simple outline of the aspects of language, various aspects of the components of English Language Learning (ELL) and different theories of language learning, a general outline of the history of ESL Teaching in India and the efficacy of the popular methods of ESL Teaching. It has been divided in five chapters: (i) Aspects of Language: An Introduction, (ii) Aspects of Second Language Learning, (iii) Language Teaching in India, (iv) Components of ESL Teaching, and (v) ESL Teaching Methods and their Effectiveness.

Chapter one deals with the definition of language, features of language, functions of language, classification of language, difference between language and animal communication, theories of origin of languages, and changes in language( phonetic, grammatical, lexical, semantic and social changes). In the second chapter various aspects of Second language Learning have been discussed. Topics like difference n acquisition and learning, different types of learning, conditions of success in language learning, language learning strategies, theories of language learning, laws of language learning, and approaches to language learning have been discussed. The third chapter presents a brief overview of the different components of ESL teaching i.e. syllabus, teaching materials, testing, and classroom teaching have been covered. The last chapter takes into consideration different popular methods of ESL teaching and assesses their merits and effectiveness.

This book aims at providing a general understanding of the general aspects of language and an introduction to the ESL learning and teaching.


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