
Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹399.20.


978-1-68576-240-7 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

This book is the outcome of a growing realization, shared by my colleagues, students that there is a need for a comprehensive textbook in Dynamics of a Particle on undergraduate level whose main emphasis should be on clarity of exposition. Almost all the Universities have introduced this subject, as a paper, to their syllabus of under graduate and post graduate students. This book is not only for UG and PG students but also for those students who are facing different competitive examinations of advanced level. During my long teaching experience I have fully understood the need of the students and hence I have taken great care to present the subject matter in the most clear and is written in a simple and interesting manner with a collection of typically illustrated worked out examples and have been solved in details with figure and arguments.

Numerous exercises are provided for almost all the chapters of the book. These exercises form an integral part of the text; attempts to solve these will enhance the understanding of the material they deal with.

As a teacher, I have tried my best to make this book easy to understand and interesting to read. In spite of all the care I have taken, mistakes may have remained in this book. I take full responsibility for any such mistake and will appreciate if they are pointed out.



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