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978-93-5747-710-9 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

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Mind is very good servant but bad master. Any invention done in this world first in mind, later realized in external world. We understand everything by mind, but does we understand our mind. Studies reveals that any human being that exists on this earth have not utilized more than 10% of the brain. The large possibility to exploration exist always. However, the irony is that people are stuck with comparison, guilt, envious, bad memories, inferiority, materialism, without unfolding the supreme powers exist within them due to unawareness or no one told them in a way they can comprehend. Records are piled up in India or Abroad about the people affected with worry patterns, stress, anxiety, frustrations, depressions, suicidal thoughts. There is no doubt that human beings have the ability to identify and overcome almost all of their roadblocks; however, it is necessary to shift the identity and incorporate new patterns into their lives.

Worry pattern is not the new aspect in human life, it existed initially, however now a days it has become so popular due to lifestyle changes. With increasing workload and stress, people have become more anxious and worried. This has further led to an increase in mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. It’s aligned with human being since evolution, when human being lives in forest, worry also exists in that phase, like worry related to apprehension of getting attacked by a tiger, however stress and its related diseases are getting popularity now a days.  At that phase, when human saw a tiger his body collects enough oxygen, blood, & sugar as form of energy from other organs and supplies these to heart, foot, arms, largely these organs are utilized during run and climb the tree to protect themselves. Here all the excessive sugar gets metabolized while running and climbing. Now a days tiger is not, who is going to harm human beings largely, however worry causing factor say a tiger, replaced with the deadline for corporate workers, complex assignments for students and bachelors, uncertainty in life, feeling of comparison, grief, guilt, self-doubt, criticism, etc. Here people are getting worry patterns, however running & climbing are not the ways to conquer the work as in case of tiger attack, but the body is working in the same patterns, body still collects and supply enough sugar for the organs however the same is not getting metabolized while sitting on the desk, because here he is not supposed to run & climb the tree. Here all the sugar gets deposited in the stomach causing obesity and other diseases. Mind and body are always one system. Our education system strengthens us mentally, not specialized emotionally, which comprises frequent involvement largely. If a baby sees a balloon, he or she first develops the desire to hold it however he or she does not know what they will do from the same. Desire comes first, intellect later. In human evolution emotional existence develops first and mentally later. This book will give clarity of life aspects like worry patterns, sleep cycles, happiness science, success, identity, goal achieving mechanism. The unclarity or presumptions in these aspects usually cause roadblocks in human life growth and remain the reasons for the gap between current state and desire state. Because once we know something we can extend the same for further development.


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