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978-1-68576-451-7 PAPER BACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

The purpose of this book is an attempt by a layman to study and bring out the true meaning of life based on the book of Ecclesiastes, written by King Solomon, who reigned over Israel for 40 years in about 970 BC. God bestowed on him the gift of wisdom. He was wiser than anyone in this world. He composed 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs. People from all nations in his time came to hear the Wisdom of Solomon, including kings from all over the world, who had heard of his wisdom. The book of Ecclesiastes is found in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible.

Everyone longs for happiness and contentment today. The world strives for this in many ways. Education, wealth, pleasure, and work. Yet many are filled with deception and despair. They cannot afford a good education, do not have enough money to make ends meet on a daily basis, are out of work, and so on. They ask the question what is the true meaning of life? Is happiness really attainable? In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon, the teacher, and the philosopher found the meaning of life. A study of the book of Ecclesiastes unravels the answers to the pertinent questions: like, What Is the meaning of Life?, and How can I be happy? The tested truths found in this book of Solomon lead to fulfillment and a good life. The book of Ecclesiastes is one of the books that are relevant to present society. It is not obsolete. The message out is that life without God is meaningless or vanity. The true meaning of life is not found in worldly wisdom and pleasure. It is found only in God. There are things beyond our control. Lifestyle changes often along with technological advancements. But the nature of human beings cannot be changed, as man was originally created by God out of dust, and he became a human being when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

Only wise preparation will help us make the most of the life that God has given us. We should ask God’s guidance to deal with changing times. Man’s true happiness comes only when he depends on God, who gave him the breath of life. Man has control over his conduct, his decision to accept God’s ways.

The true meaning of life is not found under the sun because of the injustice and oppression of man, the vanity of skillful and selfish toil. It is best to rejoice, do well, and enjoy the fruits of one’s labor, realizing that it is the gift of God, however small it may be, and to appreciate the value of friends in times of need. Riches are vanity, but it becomes meaningful if we have the fear of God.

Solomon illustrates the vanity of looking to riches for answers. Wealth cannot bring true happiness. Man’s desires cannot be satisfied and we are not sure what future has in store for us. Man’s pride puts him to extremes. The solution is to seek gentleness, patience, and humility. A balanced life is needed to live under the sun. With God’s help, we can endure the imperfect and wicked ways of man and live a joyful and content life despite the certainty of death. Everything in the world—the lust of flesh, the lust of eyes, and the pride of life passes away along with its desires. (I John 2:16-17) True wisdom is what the fear of God teaches us mainly to have control over our speech. Such wisdom is pure, peaceful, kind, and without hypocrisy. (James 3: 17)

With the above as a backdrop, let us study and interpret the book of Ecclesiastes to find out the True Meaning of Life.
(The words Solomon, Teacher, are interchangeably used.)


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