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, 978-93-95632-20-1 PAPERBACK FIRST , ,

Meet The Author

Engaging in travel is as old as the history of mankind. As the leisure time has increased and travel become less costly, modern men find travel as one of the most common way of relaxation and enjoyment. In addition to the pleasure principle, people travel out of curiosity and in search for knowledge. Travel and tourism has become one of most contributors to the exchequer of every Nation. Now Travel and tourism has become biggest and dynamic industry in the world.

Last few years, due to the outbreak of Covid 19, the travel and tourism industry had faced a number of challenges. The travel restrictions, the fear factor, economic crisis etc hinder the progress of this industry to much extent. But after 2022, as there is relaxation to travel restrictions by many countries, this industry regains its momentum.

There is an increasing demand for travel industry professionals and to satisfy this demand many colleges, universities, privately managed institutions are framing new programs and courses for imparting knowledge and thereby moulding travel professionals. This book will be an instrumental aid to all those who have genuine interest in acquiring knowledge of latest developments of travel and tourism industry.

Preparation of this book has been a challenging because of recent changes in travel and tourism industry..These changes reflect the travel policy of Nation and such changes also affect the activities and attitude of travel professionals. Latest concepts and techniques on travel and tourism management have been incorporated and have been explained in a simple and lucid manner.

The book is organized in five sections. The first section covers the basic concepts and latest technologies in travel and tourism. This section gives also a detailed description of various National and International organizations in travel and tourism industry. The second section deals with geography in tourism. The various geographical features of all the continents are described in a brief in this chapter. The third section describes marketing of tourism services. Various marketing concepts like market segmentation, product lifecycle, utilities of marketing etc are analyzed in detailed manner in this section. Tourism economics which is an important component in determining success of tourism industry are elaborately discussed in forth section. Last section deals with various legal and ethical issues in tourism.

This book will be useful to all those who have genuine interest in travel and tourism and to those people who find travel and tourism as their professional career.


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