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Tourism-Past, Present and Future

978-93-5747-751-2 FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Opportunity for employment. Your playground is indeed the world! It is therefore important for you to learn of the new changes that will take place in your employment lifetime. You will be the path- breaker who will retain the ethnic traditions yet adventurous enough to experience local rural food or fusion cuisines of the world! You would have already done bungee jumping, perhaps, so why not fly at Mach 2.5 in a MIG 27 if you want the adrenalin rush. It is possible today.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been unfortunate to tourism as travel dropped dramatically. However new concepts developed as Day-cations (one-day trip) and Stay-cations (an overnight trip) by road with family. The concern for hygiene and sanitation swept over all aspects of tourism. When the pandemic stopped, the world went on “revenge” tourism breaking all records in tourism sales.

Another concern is climate change. Suddenly summers are hotter and winters freezing. Rains are falling when we should have sunshine. Cities are getting wiped out by unnatural floods and wildfires. The tourism industry is getting green. They are taking initiatives to be environmentally friendly to protect the planet. Are you preparing yourself to be part of sustainable tourism which is a term that prevents the destruction of the eco-systems?   Have you prepared yourself to receive guests who are eco-friendly and demand such environments? Be prepared to lead environmental drives in your professional career.



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