One of the most Significant Topic for the 21st century is sustainable Governance and Sustainable development .This meets needs of the present without foreclosing the needs and options of future generations. Sustainable development and Sustainable Governance both are a comprehensive Concept in involving many Disciplines , giving it both a Philosophical base and a pragmatic approach. It appeals To a wide range of interests from nations to Corporation to stockholders because it combine economic development and environment al protection into a single systems.
Achieving sustainable depends on good or Sustainable Governance practice , Particularly the effective implementation of national sustainable development strategies which integrate government –decision making in the economic Environmental and social spheres.
The sustainable development garnered the attention of the global community when United Nations created the Brund land Commission in 1983’ to suggest Various ways to save the human Environment and natural resources and promote economic and Social development .
Sustainable development is a concept encompassing a wide range of economic, social and environmental issues. Effective implementation of sustainable development objectives is an institutional challenge with which all governments are struggling. The sustainability challenges facing developed and developing countries are enormous, but as many of these challenges are common to several countries, we can share our experiences and best practices and learn from each other through workshops such as this one.
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