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, 978-81-960632-1-4 SOFT BINDING FIRST , ,

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The demand for energy is growing day by day due to industrial urbanization. Renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaic, wind, biomass, small hydropower and others are widely being deployed to reduce fossil fuels consumption and pollution level in the environment. In recent times, the cost of energy generation from renewable energy sources mainly by solar and wind has reached the state of competitiveness to the conventional energy sources i.e., coal, oil and natural gases, in some places it is even cheaper than conventional energy. Generating and providing reliable, uninterruptible power supply is a highly challenging task. To overcome the challenges, multiple renewable energy sources with an optimum size needs to be integrated. Integrated energy systems have various advantages such as efficient resource management, increased energy production, proper load balancing, less operational and maintenance cost and less emission release to the environment.

There is a way to combine the positives of both solar and wind power generating devices to offset the drawbacks that they individually have. It is interesting to note that solar and wind power naturally complement each other and hence the hybrid setup can generate more reliable power than having either a solar or wind based power separately. A solar-wind hybrid system helps to improve not only the combined efficiency but also the working performance of batteries as the charge and discharge cycles are more uniform improving its life, thus reducing the cost of the batteries. The main advantages of the hybrid system are an increased efficiency, more energy density (energy per sq. meter), best suitable for decentralized energy supply and low installation cost compared to solar and wind energy systems if they are installed separately. The hybrid concept is unique, seamlessly utilizing both solar and wind energy generation in one single unit.

Solar-wind hybrid system has become an affordable and reliable source of energy in recent times. This Book aims to describe about solar-wind hybrid system, components and research aspects of hybrid system. This book is an outcome of our experience of conducting research activities on hybrid systems. It presents and discusses about the most recent innovations, trends, concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in this field.It can be useful for researchers, practitioners and educators. This book includes a total of fourteen chapters. It covers contents about historical development of solar PV system, wind turbine system, battery energy storage system, solar-wind hybrid system, monitoring systems, controllers for hybrid system, state estimations (state of charge, state of health, remaining useful life) for battery, sizing optimization before installation of hybrid system, different optimization techniques, performance evaluation, grid connected hybrid systems and micro-grid concept, power prediction models and forecasting, hybrid system suitable for electric vehicle charging stations, current status, recent trends and future research directions in hybrid systems.

Recently, solar-wind hybrid systems installations are rapidly growing, so proper understanding of the system will help users in utilizing it in an efficient way, so through this book authors have attempted to cover those voids.This book contains a wealth of information about hybrid system, what to do before installation, how to install and how to operate the system and a variety of useful activities. This book covers a wide range of topics, and after reading it, readers will have a good grasp of understanding about hybrid system, fundamental ideas; this book can be a great resource to for the beginners who are starting their research studies on hybrid systems.In this book, we have shared our experience, findings and thoughts about hybrid system operations. The information in this book is extensive, and it is written such that everyone may understand it.

The government of India has implemented a number of reforms and incentives to promote renewable energy systems in recent years. Renewable energy systems have become an integral part of all power generation systems and its popularity and applications are increasing at a very fast pace. Successful technology integration is inextricably tied by various researchers. Many advanced optimization techniques are being used for the efficient, effective and reliable operation of the system. The goal of this book is to provide a solid foundation for people looking to learn about basics of solar-wind hybrid system quickly and effectively.


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