
Original price was: ₹320.00.Current price is: ₹256.00.


978-93-5747-696-6 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

Sixteen-year-old Sara Jonas stood at the threshold of a new chapter in her life, gazing at the imposing gates of Hartsfield High School. Her heart was filled with hope, and she couldn’t help but imagine the romantic adventures that awaited her within those walls. As she entered the world of high school, she carried dreams of finding the love of her life, like the stories she had read and the movies she had watched had promised.

Sara had always been a romantic at heart, and she believed that high school was the place where hearts intertwined, and destinies were forever altered. She hoped for stolen glances in the hallways, secret notes passed in class, and those sweet, butterfly-inducing moments when eyes met and sparks flew. She yearned for the kind of love that would make her heart race and her world feel complete.

In her mind, high school was a canvas of infinite possibilities, where every encounter could hold the promise of love. She looked forward to romantic sunsets on football field bleachers, whispers of secrets under the shade of a tree, and nights spent dancing under a sky full of stars.

Little did she know that life had its own plans, that high school would be a journey filled with not only the sweet moments she longed for but also the bittersweet lessons that come with growing up? She would discover that love, while beautiful and transformative, could also be complicated, with its own share of heartaches and revelations.

As Sara walked through the halls of Hartsfield High, her heart swelled with hope, her imagination running wild with the dreams of love and romance that danced before her. Little did she know that her high school journey would be an odyssey of self-discovery, where love would come in many forms, and the most important love of all would be the one she found for herself?

This is the beginning of Sara’s high school story, a tale of hope, love, and the unexpected turns that life can take when we least expect it.



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