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Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools in Kolkata City: An Empirical Study

978-93-6252-462-1 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Education is the bedrock of all human progress and development. It kindles the undying flame of inquisitiveness and endless yearning for knowledge in the lives of millions, raises the level of consciousness of the masses and unleashes tremendous energy for socio-economic development of a nation. It provides the nucleus for growth in productivity, incomes and employment opportunities as also the application of science and technology to enhance the standard of living and quality of life. Education brings opportunities to the teeming millions for access to the benefits of the information revolution that is opening up multidimensional vistas on the whole world.

The role of teachers in the advancement of quality education and raising the consciousness of the nation can never be overemphasized. In our society teachers are loaded with responsibility of moulding the young minds for the upliftment of the society in general and development of individuals in particular. The teachers have a powerful and abiding influence on the character, skill and competence of the future citizens of the country. They are, indeed, the builder of the nation and promoter of human intellect and consciousness.

Since teachers play a vital role in implementing the educational policies and programmes in a country, the study of their job satisfaction is extremely important. It is particularly important at the present juncture when the government is poised to take a quantum jump in achieving the goal of universal literacy and rapid expansion of technical, professional and scientific education throughout the length and breadth of the country.


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