The lost teeth have been conventionally replaced by partial or full dentures till few years ago. The dental implants became reliable alternative to fulfil the need for fixed, aesthetic and functional restorations in oral cavity. Today, Dental implants are regularly placed by the dental surgeons to support the fixed prostheses or removable overdentures. With a long history of dental implants and ever since modern dental implants were introduced more than 40 years ago, the development of the ideal implant has been a major research subject. Through research, dental implant technology has been constantly improving in the recent years, providing patients with unparalleled levels of effectiveness, convenience, and affordability. Design and implantation requirements such as biomaterials, biomechanical behaviour, geometry of the implant, medical condition of the patient, and bone quality have been defined, it is still necessary to further evaluate and understand the correlation of those variables in the long term success of the dental implant.
The purpose of this edition of treatment planning of implant patients is to enlighten the various treatment protocols and diagnostic aids which are available in today’s world. Proper treatment plan doesn’t only improve the outcome of the treatment but also reduces the chances of failures in treatment of dental implants.
The initial consultation is usually the first and briefest office assessment process. It allows for the completion and review of medical and dental history questionnaires and the preliminary evaluation of the patient emotionally and psychologically. The consultation appointment allows an opportunity to get to know the patient and establish an appropriate rapport. The consultation appointment can be utilized as a screening process of patients in which the clinician establishes whether he can fulfil the patient’s expectations and establish a long-term successful relationship.
The comprehensive exam is one of the most critically important aspects of restorative patient care. During the diagnostic examination, the patient’s vital signs are documented and pertinent aspects of the medical history are further investigated. Screening radiographs, including a panoramic and a full set of periapical X-rays, are taken. The patient’s chief complaint, desires, and expectations are written down. An extra oral examination followed by an intraoral examination is then performed.
The underlying theme of past editions is clearly maintained with respect to the science-based concept of implant dentistry the basis for comprehensive treatment planning and understanding of the patient’s needs, social and economic situations, as well as general medical conditions, the history of the patient is a revealing documentation.
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