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978-93-5747-777-2 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

Since my early high school days during the mid-fifties, I had always remained tremendously fascinated and curious about the movement of cosmic objects in ‘Outer Space’. I used to often question to myself as to how is it that all the celestial objects moving in our solar system, have been doing so without any collision or deviating away from their paths. I learnt it later that they are orbiting around the Sun in their respective elliptical orbits for the past 4.3  billion years and that they would continue to do so for another four billion years or so at least. I really used to wonder initially “How is all this Happening! Who has set it all? Who is controlling everything in the cosmic world space? Why has there been no space turmoil and/or collisions etc in space, since the formation of our solar system in outer space” etc.? To meet this anxiety, I not only used to dwell upon the literary studies on “Panchtatva” (five major components of the outer space, i.e. the Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky) but also used to discuss this matter with my mother and/or vice versa. It was she who told me first something about gravitation and the outward force created in motion again, it was essentially due to my mother’s interests into planetary motion and discussions which followed with her that guided and encouraged me all the way into continuing my studies in physical
sciences, and earning my higher degrees in Radio Astronomy, Astronomy and Astrophysics and Geophysics (in fact, the environmental side of Physics called Aeronomy) etc. I had studied both in India and the USA. while carrying out my
researches into the Ionospheric and upper Atmospheric Physics, Magnetospheric, Auroral and Solar Physics etc. My researches into all the subjects mentioned above had not only resulted into several publications, reports, conference papers presentations and books, but also led me into thinking about the “Why’s, How’s and What’s” been happening in the past five to six decades around the Globe. I began to, therefore, look into the whole issue rather more seriously, by investigating all
possible scenarios of the Natural and Man-made Disasters. Simultaneously, it was interesting to discover even patterns of human behavior and thinking which were changing from bad to worst and running proportional to the disaster

I have, in fact, been personally observing a continuous decline in the ethical and moral codes of conduct, for the past almost sixty years or so. From then on, I had become absolutely determined to study more and more into “Why all this” now and trying to find answers to what has really been happening”? Is it indeed the “Mother Nature’s” will or else, what? The current
report is the result of such questions and their answers.

I had, in the past, been experiencing many disasters happening globally either by being there personally and/or reading through several dozens of reports about them; spread out here, there and everywhere. Answers to the question of “Why Now”, there have been works of several ‘Pundits’ and the ‘Learneds’ who have generally spoken on the “Divine Truths” including “the
BK Hypothesis”; ‘Nostradamus’s Prophesies’; ‘Environmentalists Predictions by teams of World Experts’; ‘Historical India’s Modern Writers and their literary works on the ‘History of India’, the Yugas, the Vedas and other Scriptures’ from Iron to Copper Ages. And of course, the evidences from the ‘Covid-19 Pandemic’. Conclusions that have been reached from discussions of
all the above along with the “New Futuristic World Order”, are cited in section C of the book. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and un-lockdown phases had, in fact, provided me an opportunity to initiating this project of my long-standing thoughts on the subject matter. It has taken almost two and a half years since, with a couple of additions and deletions by August end this year. I do, however, feel strongly that it is about time, we should all be starting to get used to more changes to come in our lifestyles. Specially, from the fashionable and ‘pops[1]style’ to the more classic or the ‘Vedic style’ of “simple living and high

Our efforts during the coming periods should now be directed towards removing all stresses from within us, creating the general environment of health, peace and kindness to all around us; and more particularly, towards sending positive vibrations universally to the welfare of every living being in
the world.


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