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, 978-93-5747-021-6 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

As soon as women get pregnant they begin to wonder what is Garbhsanskar and how to do it, Garbhsanskar is an ancient Indian way of teaching the good things to the unborn child during pregnancy. As per science it has been proven that 60% of baby’s brain development happens inside the womb.

Garbhsanskar is highly popular across the globe in different forms in different culture because its significance in the development of baby. Modern studies have proved that a foetus can responds to external stimulus, in fact the hormonal secretions activated by the mothers thoughts can also impact the baby in her womb.

The main objective of this book to inculcate good qualities to the unborn child also ensure good health of mother and uncomplicated pregnancy, ultimately for the betterment of family and society.

This book is not only about the care taken during pregnancy, but also starting preparations at least a year before conception, as we all know “pregnancy should be by plan not by chance”. It also covers Garbhsanskar in Ayurveda perspective which included pre-conceptional, pregnancy as well as post natal care and guiding parents about new born care. A healthy diet ,positive thoughts, yoga , meditation , foetal brain stimulation and loving bond between mother and baby these activities fulfill the book in real sense.

I would like to thanks My beloved husband and co-author of this book Dr. Praful Raut who always stood with me and encourage by giving valuable guidance, also I would like to thank my parents who made me capable to write this book, This book is dedicated to my daughter “Kashvi” who is main motive to write this book and gave me experience of Garbhsanskar throughout the Pregnancy.

Hope this book will definitely help to all pregnant mommys throughout their pregnancy journey and who are in their planning phase and for betterment of healthy progeny.

Thank you,


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