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978-1-954461-85-7 PAPER BACK FIRST ,

Meet The Author

We are living in a very dynamic, complex and globalized world with ever changing perspectives, ideas, and keenness to embark on new, innovative and creative technologies. Interestingly, it is noticed that the vast majority of the young generation are tech savvy and virtual centric. A survey conducted by me among 400 students aged 14 to 21 revealed that on an average 2 to 3 hours are spent on virtual platforms. Now it may be much more due to covid-19 pandemic. Without any doubt we can state that there is a gargantuan growth in every field at the same time it is also equally disturbing that there are degradation of values, loss of sense of sins, increased incidence of dehumanization and egocentrism leading to varied teething troubles. Morass of bewildering messages, disturbing images and videos, wrong role models, not so transparent media and corrupt practices at every level stir up maelstrom of emotions in the young ultimately propel their minds to uncertainty and self-doubt. One needs to acknowledge that there is a pandemic of moral and ideological confusion, spiritual disintegration and erosion of moral values. Every aspect of a person is battered emotionally. In this gloomy yet promising scenario, it has become a necessity to cultivate practical wisdom to swim across the turbulent waters of life and the inevitable challenges one confronts. It requires smart moves and wise decisions.

Years of experience in dealing with young people, interacting with them, getting into the core issues they face, and areas they often grappled with impelled me to script this book, entitled, ‘Education to Life’. Many pertinent issues are being discussed in this book using various resources; books, articles, magazines, newspapers, periodicals and other online materials. Every effort is made to acknowledge the original sources. However, not all resources are recorded. This book is written in lucid and understandable language with lots of examples. It is a sincere attempt to share the experiences and ideas which have positively changed my life. I have relied on intermittently the quotes of eminent people to carry home the important concepts.

This book is written with a focus to cater to all with a special emphasis on the young people to sharpen their skills and to cultivate right values. The thoughts explained here can be applied universally, every situation, organization or country. It is a tool and a blueprint to become a fine person, to realize human potential, lays out principles and recipes for good, smart and wise life, a step by step guide to live a revealing and fulfilling life, and provides easy techniques to cope up with pertinent life issues thereby facilitating mental and emotional health. It is a manual to live a life of contentment and passion and ability to remain resilient in any situation and a humble attempt to reprogramme your mind to rejuvenate your hidden potential to leverage your desires into a reality. Though I have repeatedly used the phrase ‘to be successful’ in this book yet one should keep in mind that primary call and focus of this book is to be wise and good human by remaining socially relevant and leaving a legacy behind.

I request all to read carefully and slowly by placing yourself into it. Have an action oriented approach; an action with application and commitment by harnessing your energy to turn on stumbling blocks into stepping stones. We cannot afford to remain idle or in slumber until we reach our destiny and carve out a niche for ourselves as good, enlightened and progressive human being.

“Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.” Vivekananda


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