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, , 978-93-5747-799-4 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

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In the intricate tapestry of human well-being, the threads of health are woven not only by individual choices but also by the complex interplay of societal factors. This book embarks on a journey through the fascinating landscape of social determinants of health, unraveling the intricate connections that shape our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Understanding Health in Context: Exploring Social Determinants delves into critical dimensions that influence our health on a collective level, transcending the traditional boundaries of medical discourse. From the ability to comprehend health information to the environments in which we live, this exploration navigates the multifaceted aspects that contribute to the overall health of individuals and communities. This book majorly encompasses themes viz., Health Literacy; Built Environment; Health Care Access and Quality; Digital Access and Health; Mental health and Well-being.

Health Literacy: Beyond the ability to read prescriptions or interpret medical jargon lies a profound skill — health literacy. Unraveling the nuances of understanding health information is not merely an individual accomplishment but a societal asset. The chapters pertaining to this theme highlight the significance of health literacy as a cornerstone of informed decision-making and empowered communities.

Built Environment: The spaces we inhabit have a profound impact on our health. From bustling urban centers to serene rural landscapes, the built environment shapes our daily lives in ways we often overlook. As we examine the physical spaces where we live, work, and play, the chapter/s pertaining to this theme tries to uncover the intricate relationship between the built environment, health and well-being.

Health Care Access and Quality: Access to healthcare is not only a matter of geographic proximity but a reflection of societal values and structures. This book also tries to critically examine the disparities in health care access and quality, shedding light on the barriers that impede equitable healthcare provision and exploring avenues for transformative change.

Nurturing Well-Being: Beyond the absence of illness lies the realm of well-being, a holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, and social dimensions of health. Through an exploration of nurturing practices, community engagement, and social support systems, this book advocates for a comprehensive understanding of well-being as a fundamental human right.

Digital Access and Health: In an age dominated by technology, the digital landscape plays a pivotal role in shaping health outcomes. From telemedicine to health apps, the chapter/s relevant to this theme tries to examine the intersection of digital access and health, exploring the promises and challenges of the digital era in promoting health equity.

Mental Health: Our mental well-being is intricately connected to societal factors. From stigma to support systems, this book takes a comprehensive look at the social determinants influencing mental health outcomes. By dismantling the barriers that hinder mental health equity, the content regarding mental health aims to foster a society that values and prioritizes the mental well-being of all its members.

In the process of exploration of social determinants of health (SDOH), we aim to unravel the intricate web of social factors that shape our collective well-being. By comprehending the broader context in which health is nurtured or compromised, we advocate for a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable future. As editors, we recognize the importance of presenting evidence-based perspectives, drawing on the latest research and theoretical frameworks. Each chapter is designed to contribute to the ongoing discourse on social determinants of health, emphasizing the fostering of an academic dialogue that transcends disciplinary boundaries. This book stands as a testament to our collective commitment to advancing the understanding of health as a complex, socially embedded phenomenon.


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