
Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹240.00.


978-1-68576-122-6 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Am sure this book is going to agitate many minds, stir their souls and force them to think as to how to put a stop to things which should not have occurred in first place at all. It’s a story interwoven around trial and tribulations of the  chief protagonists-  Jayant and  Shahla who are beaten at the hands of time, fate and destiny but do not give up. They bite the dust to rise up again to rewrite their story with grit and determination.   There are many other   minor characters who add their own different shades to this multihued story,each contributing to enhance the impact of the story and add to its glory. Both the protagonist carried an albatross around their neck for a sin they had never committed.

The story stretches across three generations, speaks of the minds of people living in India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Australia but the language is one- the language of love, the language of trust in the goodness of the human soul and the firm belief in this conviction of man’s capacity to bounce back braving adversities, tiding over troubles and riding high on the waves of hope, trust and optimism.

I was inspired to write this story upon meeting a child who was victim of a communal riot losing both his parents. Many instances are recorded from real life experiences and I leave it up to you to deduce as per your understanding, the true meanings that can be construed from each one of the incidents narrated here.


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