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978-1-68576-186-8 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

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K.L.E Society’s Law College, Bengaluru, in order to promote critical thinking and research among the legal academia, organizes the National Conference every year. While the first edition of the conference was on the theme ‘Post Liberalization Nuances of Organic Constitution’, the second edition involved deliberations under the theme titled ‘Media: Hopes and Despairs’. The third edition of the conference focused on the theme ‘Transformative Constitutionalism in India’. In 2021 amidst the challenges posed by pandemic the institution came with the fourth edition of the conference through virtual mode. The conference themed on contemporary issues pertaining to Law and Privacy held on 30th and 31st July 2021.

The concept of privacy is multi-dimensional which makes it difficult to be defined precisely, both conceptually and legally. Its meaning is scattered and contextual and even though privacy has been recognized as a fundamental right, the debate around aptly defining privacy and coming up with an extensive legal framework to protect it under different circumstances remains  a  task.  This is further aggravated by ever-evolving technology and the privacy concerns that come with it. In the modern times, the governments use technology to gather, store and process the data of millions of its citizens due to multiple reasons. There are concerns that technology can be deployed by the government to increase surveillance of the people. The increasing reach of the media in current times also has privacy implications for individuals. Above all, India still does not have comprehensive laws on privacy in place to regulate the existing concerns. Without such laws in place, there is lack of accountability on part of government and non-government actors which may result in breach of privacy.

Against this backdrop, this year’s National Conference focused on a large array of issues surrounding privacy. The agenda of the Conference involved privacy concerns and implications arising due to the use of social media and other forms of electronic and print media, actions of the state, the impact of existing information technology regulations on privacy and looking at the present as well as seeking a future course of action in formulating a comprehensive set of  laws for protecting the privacy and fixing liability for its breach. Following were the broad themes proposed for the Conference:

Theme 1 – Media and Privacy

Theme 2 – National Security and Privacy

Theme 3 – Privacy and Good Governance

Theme 4 – Privacy and Social Relationships

Out of the overwhelming responses received across the country 34 papers were selected for presentation. The papers presented by delegates at the National Conference are included in this issue and have been rigorously reviewed before being accepted for this anthology.

We believe that all the papers published in this anthology will raise meaningful intellectual discourses and deliberations revolving the dynamic idea of ‘Law and Privacy’ in the days ahead.

Through our anthology, we acknowledge the efforts of all those who strived to make these difficult times bearable. This anthology could take shape only with the steadfast support of our revered Principal, the Chief Guests, plenary and technical session speakers, all paper presenters and authors, editorial committee, all the teaching, non-teaching members, the student coordinators and we graciously place our sincere gratitude to each one of them.

We take this opportunity to earnestly thank our beloved Chairman, Dr. Prabhakar Kore, the members of the Board of Management, and the members of the Executive Body for KLE Law Colleges for their constant support and guidance in all our endeavors.


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