This book is about the material which we can use for Advance Process Control and Instrumentation. Sensors, Lasers are essential components in any device that uses a digital signal processor. Digital systems, however complex and intelligent they might be, must receive information from the outside world. Sensors are the interface devices between various physical values and electronic circuits that “understand” only a language of moving electrical charges. Many of them are well known, but describing them is still useful for students and those who look for a convenient reference. It is the author’s intention to present a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the theory (physical principles), design, and practical implementations of various fiber, sensors applications. In most cases, the authors have tried to strike a balance between a detailed description and simplicity of coverage. It is clear that one book cannot embrace the whole variety of fiber, sensors and PID controllers and their Applications.
This book is written for the benefit of Post Graduate Students, Researchers, Academicians and the Faculty of Ethiopian Universities as per their curriculum. Here, an attempt has been made to generate a text book and reference as well, which could be interested in Advance process control and instrumentation for more practical systems. Comments and suggestions from the designers, professors, and students prompted me to implement several changes and correct errors. I am deeply grateful to those who helped me to make further improvements in this edition. I owe a debt of gratitude and many thanks to Mr. Wogderess Seminigus – Head of the Dept, and Dean – College of Engineering and Technology Mr. Duba Chana Daro for Encourage me to completion of this book. I would like to give honor to my beloved Professor Dr Balachandra Pattnaik, for his valuable contribution to the chapter IV on Smart sensors. Simplicity of description and intuitive approach were the key requirements that I set for myself while working on the manuscript. My true goal was not to pile up a collection of information but rather to entice the reader into a creative process.
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