It gives me immense pleasure to present this volume of A Compressive book on Effective Technical Communication for the benefit of all technical students. This book is concise, comprehensive and dependable. The content has been prepared strictly according to the new syllabus of Effective Technical Communication.
Although there are various excellent books written by eminent authors covering various topics on effective technical communication, this book covers a few important topics on which questions are generally asked in the university examinations. It is a humble attempt to present before the students on various topics of Effective Technical Communication.
This book consists of five units covering the topics Communication, Technical Writing, Self-development and assessment, Communication and technical writing and Ethics.
I would feel my efforts were well-rewarded if the book were found to be useful by the technical students.
Constructive criticism and acceptable suggestions for the improvement of the book are always welcome. I am grateful to the publishers for their encouragement and support.
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