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Mathematical Models in Ecology

, 978-93-5747-359-0 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

‘’The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics “- Galileo. Galilei

Nature is the continuous inspiration.  God, the architect of the universe follows a certain mathematical tool to create the universe. The nature laws are perfectly executed by the creator, but to understand these laws are not easy by the humans. Many scholars explained in their own way that the formation of universe, existence of life on earth and genesis of human race, unfortunately these theories contradicting each other and leads to chaos. Still the science is in search of truth. The nature includes many species and the interaction among the species is the interest drawn attention of many ecologists, biologist.

Understanding Nature is not at the same level. For example, physical sciences are more developed than ecological/biological sciences. More instant, biological / ecological laws are not certain, like physical laws. So, mathematical modelling gains a lot of importance in this area to draw conclusions about the existence of ecological systems. More preciously, ecological stability attracts mathematicians, biologists, ecologists to understand how the ecological systems function. During the last decade, world was facing severe problems related to environment due to global warming, industrialization, climate change etc. The sustainability of human race can be assured with proper understanding of ecological interactions among environmental factors with careful planning and management of eco systems. An ecosystem is a functional unit of living beings in a biotic environment, sharing the same inhabit and (or) resources. In view of these facts, we are motivated to present some mathematical models which explains the ecological stability in this book.

The textbook ‘Mathematical MODELS IN ECOLOGy’ for the post-graduation students and Research scholars of mathematics who are interested in Mathematical modelling in ecology.

In this book the preliminaries of ecological interactions and mathematical aspects of ecological interactions are explained in detail. This book gives a balanced account of basic principles of ecology, stability analysis of five ecological patters best suit for the students of research scholars in mathematical ecology.


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