
Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹216.00.


978-93-5747-833-5 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

The book teaches the fundamentals of Python, defines functions, uses function calls to solve problems, and uses Python data structures (dictionaries, tuples, and lists) to represent complex data.

Topics Covered:

  1. The Python interpreter and interactive mode employ variables, expressions, statements, tuple assignment, operator precedence, and comments as examples, and support a variety of data types, including int, float, Boolean, string, and list.
  2. The control flow includes conditions, iterations, strings, and lists. Conditions include boolean values and operators, while iterations include state, while, for, break, continue, pass, and return values. Strings include slice, immutability, and string modules.
  3. Lists, tuples, and dictionaries are essential components in advanced list processing, enabling operations, slice, loop, mutability, aliasing, and cloning lists, as well as list comprehension.
  4. The management of files, modules, and packages is listed in this book. It also covers format operators, reading and writing, text files, errors, and exceptions.


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