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978-93-5747-922-6 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

‘Trust stabbed brutally ‘portrays a true story about a women caught up with poignant struggle broken promises and a betrayal of trust. It reflects about the true life of a middle age women, who had mistaken love for settlement with a young man, who seemed to betray her and took her for granted, he faked his love for her pleasure and money. The women’s emotional care love concern was taken advantage by this young man, who never showed her any concern of love, but had taken refuge under her for his whims passion and his pleasure. The women out of her deep love forgot about his attitude” once bitten twice shy”

The unpredictable life and her path makes her lose her mind temporarily, more over where she was forced by him to live in such situation. She was accepting her life since he had married her secretly and made her to live in the present scenario and she knew later that she was living with a narcissist, whom she found out at the betrayal of her life. The bond that she shared with him was more emotional than love. Whereas he lived according to his condition where he never forced it on her, since he never showed any signs of any such behaviour. The only motive of him pretending to love was for her money and free pleasure. The only concern love was from her end where she thought he would understand her one day since he too need time to get along as he was young and his mind was wavering.

The author is reluctant to give his name in the story, but she makes a mention here about him as a swindler. The woman is titled here in the story as “Rajanigandha” popularly known as tuber rose as a flower denotes for its fragrance and long lasting, here Rajani’s life is made a comparison to the flower for her character and strong attitude of living even after her man betrayed her and let her alone, for she stood strong with her positive attitude, shining through her character and what life has in store for her, ever blooming even though in the midst of her struggle and pain. Her life was both a mixture of feelings, a few years of happiness which dragged her into violent brutal tragedy.

The cntre of the author’s creativity, is to bring the deep sensitivity of women, who are deliberately taken for granted and misused by choosing love over betrayal. where in love and trust is tainted by forced sexual pleasure where the women considers that to be love. The man is shown as a swindler money seeker fake lover and pleasure dweller. He proves himself in the story as her lover her secret husband, who pretends to be for her to fulfil his pleasure and live passionately only for his selfish needs .The unexpected secret marriage which led her life torn apart with poignant struggle and trauma, which encompasses and consumes her life with guilt but yet she stands tall to claim her identity and stand bold and courageous in the society. The Narcissist who she claims him so, had drained Rajani’s life stabs her trust betrays her love bitterly and in turn secretly loves a much younger girl in secret without the knowledge of Rajani, and unless Rajani finds out the secret he lies to her and later justifies that he needs to settle his life and insults Rajani comparing her age in comparison and asks her to leave him for the good of both their lives, since his marriage is already registered. Rajani takes a bold step and moves forward files a case and sends a legal notice to him, later he runs to his rescue and begs her to dissolve the case, he justifies his life and his secret love and pleads her to solve everything and asks her to leave him and asks her to settle her life.

Rajani takes a bold stand and though she is pregnant with his child she waits for her delivery and wants to prove the wrong player his identity she never fears of her own identity, she decided and told him he cannot escape and he has to pay for his dirty work and betrayal, she would deliver her baby and prove him as the baby’s father. The baby will never be fatherless but own the fake man as the father, He pleads her to abort the baby but she promises him to deliver her baby soon and goes forth with her brutal life, with a daring act of survival and identity of her life.

I hope the readers find solace in the true incident of the story where a woman is concerned with many failures of her life where she is triggered by every nuances faced by her and how strong she stands and does carry her trade mark of guilt but never takes aback to prove the society irrespective of her age difference where she was fooled and brought down, but she seems to claim the man behind her tragedy and puts him on trial.


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