
Original price was: ₹190.00.Current price is: ₹152.00.


978-93-5747-917-2 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

At 85 years young, Rotarian Avinash Bhonsule, an engineering graduate, excelled as a superintendent engineer, hailing from a Portuguese employment background. He ventured into entrepreneurship, establishing a successful business that earned him awards from both industry and government, highlighting his remarkable journey. His skills in literature, writing, gathering data, and attaching an importance of love, emotion, patriotism and language are unmatched. Though prose, feel the poetry flow through his pen.

Set against the backdrop of Lahore, a city resonating with the echoes of divided identities and simmering tensions, our tale commences. As the fates of Bishamber, Parvati, and their family intersect with the tumultuous historical landscape, their journey becomes a mirror reflecting the heartache, the struggle, and the indomitable strength of those caught in the throes of societal upheaval.

In the corridors of power, the wheels of destiny turn, propelling our protagonists towards divergent paths. While Ram’s journey leads him to the hallowed grounds of the military, Rahim’s intellect becomes a force that shapes the fate of nations. As love blossoms, lives intertwine, and sacrifices are made, the tapestry of this narrative becomes a testament to the human spirit’s unyielding quest for purpose and meaning.

As you journey through the lives of these characters, may you be captivated by their triumphs and tribulations, their joys and sorrows. In the face of darkness, they are a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the most challenging of circumstances, the human spirit can rise above and leave an indelible mark on the world.

So, dear reader, embark on this voyage through history, courage, and unwavering determination. As you turn the pages, may you be inspired by the resilience of the human soul and find yourself swept away by a narrative that speaks to the very core of our shared humanity.


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