
Original price was: ₹460.00.Current price is: ₹368.00.


978-93-5747-375-0 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author


How you feel within your life is all that matters. How you measure, define, and perceive your life is all that matters.

Unfortunately, we’ve been convinced that if we make our life impressive enough to other people that it will make us feel satisfied internally.

We’ve been told once we achieve all these goals on THEIR checklist, we get to be happy.

We’ve been trained to suffer for our goals, strive, and push and do all the things they say we should, then we’ll get to be joyful.

We’ve been convinced that if we finally live up to their ideals then we will have perfect lives. But it’s a trap and incorrect.

All truly good things start from your wellbeing and fulfillment. You don’t need to earn joy!! You don’t need a checklist to determine whether you qualify for your own love & care.

Life does not begin with some future finish line. Its NOW, RIGHT NOW. And your task is to make your NOW as magical and as beautiful as possible, just as you are, exactly as you are – that is the honest measure of a good life…


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