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, , , 978-1-68576-262-9 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

This book is written as a textbook on Internet of Things for educational programs at colleges and universities and also for IoT vendors and service providers who may be interested in offering a broader perspective of Internet of Things to accompany their own customer and developer training programs. The typical reader is expected to have completed a couple of courses in programming using traditional high-level languages at the college level and is either a senior or a beginning graduate student in one of the science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) fields. Like our companion book on Cloud Computing, we have tried to write a comprehensive book that transfers knowledge through an immersive “hands-on” approach, where the reader is provided the necessary guidance and knowledge to develop working code for real-world IoT applications. Secure and Smart Internet of Things explores many aspects of the Internet of Things and explains many of the completed principles of IoT and the new advances in IoT, including using Fog Computing, AI, and Blockchain technology. Internet of Things (IoT) refers to physical and virtual objects that have unique identities and are connected to the internet to facilitate intelligent applications that make energy, logistics, industrial control, retail, agriculture, and many other domains “smarter”. Internet of Things is a new revolution of the Internet that is rapidly gathering momentum driven by the advancements in sensor networks, mobile devices, wireless communications, networking, and cloud technologies. Experts forecast that by the year 2020, there will be a total of 50 billion devices/things connected to the internet.IoT is a fast-changing field. This book provides a snapshot of its current state. We continue to work in this area and hope to create updates to this book as the field progresses.


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