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, 978-1-68576-421-0 SOFT BINDING FIRST

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India’s foreign policy is based on the democratic principles of equality, liberty and fraternity the aim of foreign policy making is to ensure peaceful relations with its neighbours and the rest of the world and to secure the Autonomy to make decisions on international affairs some of the basic principles of our foreign policy are to encourage national interests like social, economic , development and political stability protecting national security, promoting peace, friendship, good  will and cooperation among different countries, international relations, Resisting imperialism, colonialism and Despotic power and to oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries by the world’s most powerful countries to encourage the peaceful settlement of disputes between nations opposing Armament, And supporting Disarmament, SAARC, campaign Respecting human Rights and opposing discrimination and inequalities bassed on caste, race, colour, creed, religion, etc. promotion of panchsheel and non-alignment principles.

India is one of the world’s oldest civilizations, and its foreign policy has always been autonomous, through the Mauryan, Gupta, and Mughal dynasties.

Throughout the colonial era, the British controlled India’s foreign policy and exploited the country for their own gain. Since India’s independence, however, Indian foreign policy has been effectively advancing Indian interests. India has made better use of its military, space, religious culture, etc., connections in a number of countries in formulating its foreign policy aspects that influence India’s foreign policy.


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