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Hebrew And The Bible

978-93-6252-968-8 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Hebrew is a language created by divine engineering. According to Jewish Rabbis, God created this Universe with the 22 Hebrew letters of the Hebrew language. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible in Hebrew.

This Book helps one explore the Bible in a deeper dimension using pictograms and Gematria of Hebrew letters. The hidden messages behind the names of 70 important people in the Bible have been decoded using the pictograms and the meaning of the Hebrew letters present in their names. The numerical value of the names has been calculated using the Gematria of Hebrew letters, and numerical meanings have also been derived.

The Book also investigates God’s agenda for the Jewish people in the Twelve Hebrew Months from the names of the Hebrew months. Stunningly the names of every month reveal a message that is found to be in harmony with the Scriptures as well as etched in Jewish History. History bears testimony to the events that have taken place repeatedly to the Jewish people in these months and one can see a clear pattern emerge. For instance, the month of AV has always been a month of tragedies for the Jewish people both in the Scriptures as well as in history for centuries. The Hebrew words and the Greek words for the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit have been expounded. The Hebrew words for each of the nine-fold fruit have been meticulously examined to reveal a treasure trove of spiritual information.

The Book also illuminates the great conformity between the Vedas and the Bible.  Finally, the Book answers the all-important question of “When will Jesus come?”  from the Bible. This book is a gold mine of information that will enrich your soul and strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


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