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978-1-68576-455-5 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION ,

Meet The Author

Why do people fall sick often? How does it happen? And what is the way to prevent diseases? And the balanced diet for health and the information regarding the other mysteries of the diseases is absolutely urgent.

‘Prevention is better than cure’, though it’s an old saying but it is more valid for today’s everyday life. Almost all of us take care of our body and its organs only after getting diseased.

Consulting the doctor at the eleventh hour proves very expensive and excessive, and sometimes it costs life also. But if everyone takes care or preventions before falling sick, then the body will not only stay fit but it could endure longer and will make the life pleasant, therefore the preventive action is the best.

It is very logical to prevent diseases rather than falling sick and suffering from it. If we prevent diseases then there would be no expenses and no need to refer different doctors, only some aspects has to be taken care of. Such as diet, exercise, living standard, daily schedule, way of working and everyday regimen. All of these things keep our body healthy and we can shield from all the disadvantages, illness, disability, stress and expenditure.

Treating complications is very difficult and mostly incurable rather than getting well after taking simple treatment only at initial stage. It happens with everyone, whether it is ordinary, educated or very intelligent person but nobody follows

such a way. Taking timely treatment for any simple ailment is best to get well but one has to face the consequences if kept on protracting it.

It is your own body, do take care of it! It all depends on you to keep it fit, because you are the reason behind any harm or trouble to your body. It is your body so you have to vibe with it so keep it well. As only you could keep it good.

Apt workout and balanced diet is the foundation of health. Health is a gift to all from almighty. It is our duty to keep it well and to take care of it. The pleasure of living a life gets double when health is good and it becomes tedious when health  deteriorates.

The wear down of physical elements constantly goes on in the body on daily basis. It is continual process of removing dilapidated components immediately and replacing with newly formed ones.

In this book Dr. Ravi Aher includes the established points to prevent diseases as how to maintain the body, what is preventive treatment and how to prevent, how to work-out, how to maintain the posture, what to do, how to do, what not to do, what to avoid and for each part (neck, back, waist, shoulders, elbows, wrist, hips, knees, heel, toes etc.) of the body Dr. Aher has suggested some standard exercises. Those who do not have any problem must do such exercises, because different exercises, postures, positions, are meant for different type of

ailments, sometimes exercise is not advisable as it could worsen the problem, so if possible the diseased should not work-out without consulting the doctor and physiotherapist.

I’m sure that Dr. Ravi Aher who has prepared a very efficient and well-structured book to keep in mind the requirements of the needy and will definitely be a guide for readers for leading a long-life, and I believe that all this scientific information will help you to prevent your body from diseases and will be useful and suitable.


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