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, 978-1-956102-18-5 PAPERBACK FIRST ,

Meet The Author

Mushrooms have never failed to amaze us since ancient times. The more we study, the more we realize how little we have known, and how much more is there to leam, fungi have stimulated responses from people — from fear and detest to reverent exaltation. They are ignored by many, reviled by some but it may turn out to play an important key role in human health and earth health. Their crucial purpose in recycling organic matter, especially in forests has been long known. These overlook creature potentiality is yet still being discovered up until today which is likely to be the saviour of the mother earth and vast reservoir of potential innovation drugs.
Mushrooms are consumed all over the world as part of the regular diet. They are consumed for their ample mutrition, medicinal value, and enticing flavour. However, many people shy off from such wild sources due to fear of poisoning.
Mushroom hunting is an interesting outdoor activity that keeps us moving and connected to nature. This process deepens our connection to nature and it’s a delight in finding the most unique creatures of the universe, knowing their secrets, further makes their exploration interesting. These creatures are abundant in nature and exploring the unexplored is an activity that gives us immense pleasure and satisfaction
As teachers and researchers, we have been involved in academics and research, and extension work regarding the cultivation of mushrooms and popularizing their cultivation at the rural level.
Exploring wild mushrooms started with the expeditions taken up by Zara the youngest author. Mr. Zarzoliana Ralte who hails from the state of Mizoram This journey has been slow and steady and finally, the information gathered has been presented in this book with a purpose to create an awareness regarding the most vivid and wonderful creatures on earth. Exploring them creates an inquisitiveness to keep on exploring more and more wild mushrooms for their unparalleled beauty which cannot be described in words


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