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978-93-95632-23-2 SOFT BINDING FIRST , ,

Meet The Author

The Present book entitled “Edible Mushroom cultivation Technology” is an outright Agricultural Plant Pathology guide for mushroom growing communities. As an author, I have covered almost every topic on mushroom cultivation aspects. I referred many standard books, popular articles, Practical manuals in this area to design the dream book of mine. Mycology started with the study of Mushrooms (Mykes=mushrooms), which are highly delicious food to consume. Edible mushroom for a long time been recognized not only as a delicacy, but also for their use as food in man’s diets. Mushrooms has been found to rich sources of protein, lipids, amino acids, glycogen, vitamins and mineral elements. The mineral salt content of mushrooms is superior to that of meat and fish and nearly twice that of the most common vegetables. It has greater importance in the diets of both rural urban dwellers.

Mushrooms have also been praised for their medicinal properties with heavy dose of protein, potassium and polysaccharides, which contribute to healthy immune function. This book covers the basic and advanced topics of Morphology of Mushrooms, Nutritional & Pharmacological values of Mushrooms, Sterilization Techniques, Collection and Isolation of Mushrooms, Tissue Culture Techniques, Genetic Improvement of Mushrooms, Spawn Preparation, Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom, Milky Mushroom, Paddy Straw Mushroom, White Button Mushroom, Diseases And Pest of Mushrooms and Cost Analysis For Mushroom Cultivation to become an successful entrepreneur, the readers will also get an overall idea about the steps involved in the mushroom production technology.

This book is truly meant for Students, Progressive farmers, Entrepreneurs and other persons having interest on Mushroom cultivation. The vast information has been simplified and diagrammatically represented to create an interactive reading experience. Needless to say, I have immensely enjoyed writing and to decipher, glean and put in order the vast scattered literatures was a challenge but it become easy due to my Parents and Friend’s support.


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