
Original price was: ₹340.00.Current price is: ₹272.00.


978-93-6252-232-0 PAPERBACK FIRST ,

Meet The Author

In my first book, ‘My Tryst with the Telecom Era’, I delved into my pivotal role in shaping the telecommunications landscape of India, over the last four decades of the previous century.

In the initial chapters of my book ‘Down Memory Trail’, I invite you into the humble beginnings of my upbringing, a foundation that shaped the trajectory of my journey. Subsequently, I share with you my experiences gathered abroad, where my career led me to traverse the globe.

As I traversed the length and breadth of India and ventured into foreign lands, I loved the opportunity to immerse myself in local customs and languages. My curiosity and respect for cultural nuances paved the way for meaningful interactions with people from all walks of life.

Unlike many who seek comfort in the familiar, I eagerly embraced the flavours of each locale, feeling comfortable with the authenticity of local cuisines, which are often more affordable and undoubtedly more enriching.

In France, my knowledge of French helped me interact with locals. In Japan, an intensive eighteen-week course in spoken Japanese opened the doors to the mutual exchange of cultural information. Even in Yemen, where the challenge of mastering Arabic loomed large, I tried my level best to freely interact with the Yemenis.

Across continents and borders, my encounters with individuals of diverse religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds cultivated within me a deep appreciation for the beauty of our shared humanity.

As I reflect on my travels, I am reminded that amidst the diversity of human cultures, there is a deep desire to live peacefully and coexist by accepting the inherent diversity.


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