
Original price was: ₹620.00.Current price is: ₹496.00.


, 978-93-5747-019-3 SOFT BINDING FIRST , ,

Meet The Author

There are various special programmes run by Government and Non-Government Organizations for Persons with Disability. Government policy, legislative actions, schemes and provisions for the disabled give the impression of a state that is committed to human rights and equal opportunities. But the ground reality is quite different. The disabled persons continue to be neglected and marginalized, with the onus of care on the family rather than on the community. India needs to shift focus from the medical model of intervention to community rehabilitation of the disabled. There is a need for a holistic approach to this issue. There is need to change the education system to make it accessible to all people and prepare the society – the parents, friends and employers to provide support to the disabled persons.

This study is an endeavour to bring out the disability scenario into ‘retrospect and prospect’. The author has made it a comprehensive document covering all aspects. This study is of immense value for the prevention, early identification, rehabilitation, and integration of the disabled. The author has made an effort to dedicate to the nameless faces wanting us to carry to them urgently needed services that will go a long way in bringing a ray of bright hope to their otherwise dark lives. This study is an attempt to present a comprehensive picture of disability in a readily understandable, useful and supportive manner. The present study is a help to initiate and provide adequate and appropriate required services to disabled persons. The study is of great help for professionals working in different areas of disability and rehabilitation and to the policy makers/planners and moreover, the ultimate usefulness may be in its utility for the lay person.


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