This book is primarily written for my Ph.D Thesis on My Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science & Engineering. This manuscript is written in very simple language and includes examples and figures. This book has been divided into six chapters. In the first chapter, the author provides the information about Machine Learning, Machine Learning Application in Healthcare sector and Healthcare system in India. The diversification of Passive system to an active system is mentioned using an artificial intelligence in my thesis. The second chapter provides the literature review from various resources namely: Review of medical diagnosis of Dengue disease using Machine Learning, Review and statistics of Dengue in India, Relevant studies and survey results as well as research gap. The third chapter is of foremost important as the author provides information about the problem statement. In the fourth chapter, the author provides information about data collection and methods techniques which are used during his research. The fifth chapter describes the proposed machine learning based Prediction Model for vector borne diseases (Dengue). The sixth chapter summarizes the results of this research and provides suggestions and future scope.
This book is helpful for the future researchers pursuing their further research in the domain of vector borne diseases.
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