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, , 978-81-950826-1-2 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Any modern-day trend, event, idea or topic involving a subject that’s relevant to people and affecting them in some way can be defined as a contemporary issue. From climate change to technology and from social issues to health, contemporary issues abound in almost every area of our current lives. The contemporary issues definition also has a caveat that the current events affecting people are unresolved. People often bring attention to contemporary issues because they want to work towards a solution to those problems. The general impression and understanding that we have on Law is that of the rules, regulation and all in between the legislations, and other functionary aspects of the state that identifies itself with a decree and as a form to policing the societal progression in the contemporary society today. Add to it, in formal terms, laws are the sets of rules and regulation that are often enforced through recognized institutions in the society, let say the judiciary for the starts. In simple sense, Law and legal matters and its studies identifies itself with barrister in the barrack of the high courts, and disciplined black and white attire among lawyers and advocate. But on the deeper aspects, as it is with any other functionary aspects and subject discipline and their studies, Law and its studies usurped a greater force among individuals, and often than not, it also one among the most respected degree and subject study. In that context we wonder where all the things that identifies itself with Law, and that which make a legal practitioner in the society garnered all the formal practices and training that which it makes a legal person fit to dispatch his/her duties and functions. Hence, we feel there are no dearth of subject to study upon, especially when it concerns Legal matters and the many issues that we can relate to and argue about. Nonetheless, the question also arises as to the functions of laws. That is to say in simple terms, what are the purposes of legal study and Laws, plus its functions in the society? As we can sense, laws in meant as a conscience in the society. Simple as that, the meaning, its viability and utility in the society today also can be absorbed, as to where laws and its functions derived its belonging. In the second aspect, the study of legal issue also makes us further consolidate with the idea of law itself. After all, there’s has been issues always, and when it matter to legal aspects, identifying the concourse of law and all the ethics that governed it also makes for a rational point to argue about, of things as it can be read, and witnessed in and around us today.

Hence, here we can derive as to where law and ethics take centre stage, and the implication that ethics and laws in the society today derives its belonging, for all and the, sundry to take note of the laws in force. Thus, we further conclude that less of the laws in the society will surely bring in an aura of things in disordered state in the society. As a rational human we are governed by ethics, however that does not mean that law should shy away from making its course within individual and the society. After all, law and ethics itself defines all the good, bad and wrong reason for its presence in the contemporary world today, and as a legal system in streamlining and policing the society, law is a must, which expands beyond ethics. Thus, this book in its simplest form attest itself to attempt in identifying the many variable that encompasses law, legal issue and all in between the ethics. No doubt, when it concern legal functionary, ethics is the sole ideology. However, there is every reason to argue about the right, wrong and rational things that can be usurped from what is legal and what’s not.


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