This book is about a psychological perspective on empowering human life in new-normal world. More precisely, this book is about how we might rethink, develop and expand our existing notions of human mental health specifically in the post pandemic era. It contains chapters from various researchers in the field who tried to re-conceptualize our ways of thinking about this notion from a wide variety of perspectives. Some authors have focused on how we might find new directions within existing paradigms, whilst others have addressed new and trending concepts in this regard.
The idea of this book has generated from the first International hybrid conference- AMALIT 2022 on the theme – The new normal: Crisis resilience and Crisis reinvention. 20 papers were received and discussed at the conference on the theme Empowering Human Life in new normal world: A Psychological Perspective. After the conference we made an initial selection of the papers that we thought might be published as an edited volume on the same theme. And we called those authors and discussed the matter in detail with them and suggested some necessary modification. After the final evaluation process 10 chapters were selected to combine in this edited volume.
Reflecting upon this process, we think it has a lot to commend it, and it is certainly an approach we should use again as it is a process that moved away from the traditional model in which contributors of book chapters are generally friends and colleagues of the editors. Editing the chapters has been both an exhilarating and a learning experience for us. Not only we have enjoyed being a part of this work, but it also help us reflect on our own understanding of the new normal paradigm.
We should like to end this preface by thanking everyone who took the time to contribute papers to the first AMALIT hybrid conference on Empowering Human Life in new normal world: A Psychological Perspective. Submitting papers in an open forum is a scary thing to do for young researchers, particularly when they are going to be competitively evaluated. It is important to note that the papers that did not selected to this book not were necessarily poor ideas, rather we selected some that are more suitable to theme comparatively. Everyone with whom we have worked on this project has been a nice experience to work with and this has helped greatly to produce this work in this way.
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