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Migration of Agricultural Labourers in North Karnataka

, 978-93-6252-388-4 PAPERBACK FIRST EDITION , ,

Meet The Author

Migration is a multifaceted phenomenon that has been shaping societies for centuries. In recent years, the world has witnessed unprecedented levels of human mobility, driven by a myriad of factors including economic opportunities, political instability, conflict, and environmental changes. This book aims to explore the various issues affecting migration and its consequences for migrants, shedding light on the complexities and challenges they face, in Indian context.

The book, based on painstaking research, provides an overview of migration dynamics, highlighting the different types of migration. It explores the push and pull factors driving people to leave their homes and move to new destinations. The findings throw light on the numerous challenges encountered by the migrants throughout their journey, from the decision to migrate to the process of integration into new societies. Obstacles migrants face, including legal barriers, discrimination, language barriers, and cultural adjustment are hinted by the author. The vulnerabilities of specific migrant groups such as women, children, and aged people are highlighted.

However, migration has been a voluntary choice by many of the respondents studied. The job and high-income earning opportunities make them to choose migration as a viable livelihood option. However, if the human capital dynamics of the younger age groups does not improve, they are bound to be trapped in a vicious circle. For this, the government and other development functionaries need to adopt measures that enhance the education and skilling of children of migrant labourers. One Nation, One Ration Card has obviously eased the pressure on the food front. Similar interventions are required for education, health and social security of the migrant families.

This book is not just an academic endeavour; it’s a call to action. It challenges us to confront the injustices and inequalities that perpetuate the cycle of migration and to envision a future where every migrant is treated with dignity, respect, and compassion. It calls upon policymakers, practitioners, and ordinary citizens alike to recognize the inherent humanity in every migrant and to work towards building inclusive societies where all can thrive.


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